Mellow dharma

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The Expansion and Contraction of the Universe.

These two movements are reflected everywhere.

The ebb and Flow of the tides.

The constant expansion and contraction of the heart.

The inhaling / exhaling of our breath

The cycle of Sleep and Wakefulness

In Deep Dreamless Sleep we return to the Unmanifested Source

And re-emerge replenished.

The Outgoing and Return Movements. Creation and dissolution of Form.

Are reflected in our Life Cycle.

Birth is followed by Expansion, Growth, finding and fulfilling Outer Purpose.

Identity is formed around the External; status, wealth, class, physicality, gender.

Then, inevitably, the Return Movement.

The older body and mind tires and becomes less able.

Those around us begin to pass away.

When the External Form we identify with begins to fade

And is an opportunity for the Spiritual to enter our lives.

Each person’s life, each life form in fact, represents a world, a unique way in which the Universe experiences itself.

And when your form dissolves. a world comes to an end, out of countless worlds.

We are manifestations of the universe experiencing itself as us.

Taking us out of the illusion that all we are is limited.

first breath. Spirit in

last breath. Spirit Out

Inhale is Life. Exhale is Death

Inhale is Expansion, Exhale is Contraction

Inhale is Activation, Exhale is Release

inhale is Form, Exhale is Formlessness

Inhale is Shakti, Exhale is Shiva

Inhale is Doing, Exhale is Being

Inhale is Attachment, Exhale is Samadhi

*Notes taken from and inspired by the Final Chapter of Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth.

*Gratitude to Moshe Topol for sharing Inhale the Life, Exhale is Death… which I have edited and added to here. The original was found written down anonymously in India.

Morgan White / Joanna Goldman